
Fill in this form and we’ll judge with it.

You can send request to Sky PE facebook Group Page and you will be judged, too.

Inquiry form is HERE.

    Name (Required)

    E-mail (Required)

    IPEJ Division (Required)

    OUJ Division (Required)
    StaffDoctorMasterBachelorDoctor CourseMaster CourseBachelor CourseAbsentDropout

    OUJ Major Course (Ex. Somewhat Program) (Required)
    Fill "none" if you don't have.

    OUJ Lab. (Ex. Somewhat Lab.)

    IPEJ Mem No: (Required)
    Fill "none" if you don't have.

    OUJ Student No: (Required)
    Fill "none" if you don't have.

    I keep social norms such as Engineers' Ethics. (Required)